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Old October 26, 2009   #1
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Default Micro-organisms

I have been hard at work this year, trying to get a handle on ACT, Activated Compost Tea, which has been bad enough.
Now I've discovered much more of interest in EM, Effective Micro-organism and IM, Indigenous Micro-organisms.
Does anyone else have an interest? Discussion and observations would be good!
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Old October 27, 2009   #2
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I've participated in alot of BIM discussions over at gw, lots of good reading over there.
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Old October 27, 2009   #3
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We have had several discussions on Microbial Biofertilizers and mycorrhizae in particular. Also the symbiotic relationship established with the root system enhancing nutrient uptake but also disease resistance of the plant as well. In fact the only place I can get molasses at a reasonable price here in Germany is from the EM product suppliers. Check out the sticky at the top of this forum for web sites on the subject. Ami
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Old October 27, 2009   #4
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Originally Posted by amideutch View Post
We have had several discussions on Microbial Biofertilizers and mycorrhizae in particular. i
OK, have looked at these in the past!
What I was hoping for was information from individuals who have been to the woods to prepare their own EM & IM. How and if it worked? What plant extracts were useful in disease or insect control?
Getting definitive information from this site is like pulling hens teeth! Very hard work and never easy.
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Old October 27, 2009   #5
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If you have anything to share please do. Some of what you are talking about is beyond the scope of most backyard gardeners. If you have any references to share that to would be appreciated also. Ami
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Old October 28, 2009   #6
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"What plant extracts were useful in disease or insect control?
Getting definitive information from this site is like pulling hens teeth! Very hard work and never easy."

What diseases? What insects? What crops? What conditions? You have to ask very specific questions if you want very specific answers.

*Definitive* does not apply to organic gardening, in my experience. Every year has different challenges -- heat waves in Feb., cold snaps in April, etc. Even looking at tomato varieties I've grown a few years, they're amazing some years and duds other years. So I try a whole bunch of different strategies, a few new things each year, and see what works each time. I make at least 300 gal. of compost a year and use it liberally, and over time my garden seems to have fewer problems that need intervention.

So much depends on timing -- I've found I can avoid having any cucumber beetles and squash bugs in my community garden plot if I plant cucurbits later than I want to (to avoid the first hatching), and if I choose varieties carefully. Some varieties are pest magnets. But this year I had hardly any cucumbers, maybe because we never got the heat waves that came every month last year.

I heard Michael Pollan on the radio the other day mention that crop rotation is a powerful tool in monocultures. Plant potatoes one year and wheat the next, and the Colorado potato beetles emerge in a wheat field and say, what's this? Planting a different rice variety every 10 rows in a rice monoculture makes a difference. He also mentioned that for a conventional farmer, an explosion of a plant-eating bug means lots of spraying. For an organic farmer, it means that the bug-eating bugs will have lots to eat, all you need do is wait for them to arrive. (I've found that approach almost always works for aphids.)

The main disease prob in the comm. garden is rust on raspberries. So many gardeners neglect their raspberry patches that no matter what I do, the rust will blow in from all directions. I've tried teas made from comfrey, cornmeal, borage, etc. This year I read that extra PK and straw mulch can help. So I added greensand and phosphate rock and, fortuitously, there were bales of free straw available last week.

The only "pests" I do anything at all to foil are birds and snails/slugs. For birds, I use netting and cloches to protect seedlings from Sept. to May, and all summer on the blackberries. I also learned there's no stage at which peas are safe from birds in my garden, so they're always under cover. Birds also like to dig in new compost, so I put down the compost a week or so before I plant to prevent new seedlings from being uprooted. For snails and slugs, I use iron phosphate-based bait such as Sluggo in my cold frames (they love tiny pepper and tomato seedlings, I learned this spring). I rarely need to use it otherwise. Oh, and this time of year the squirrels are busy squirreling away nuts in my garden, so I protect all new plantings with hardware cloth and other squirrelproof strategies. This year they've especially enjoyed digging holes near the bean roots, so I had to start protecting them a couple months ago.
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Old October 28, 2009   #7
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I have not been to the woods, but I do have a worm bin. I have made a concoction of steamed brown rice - then I add uncooked ground wheat germ/oat bran/flax seed molasses put it all in a cheap nylon stocking and bury it in the worm bin for 4-10 days, basically until I'm ready to brew some AVCT.

I've never looked at my AVCT under a microscope but I'm sure it's good for the soil. A lot of the things I have done this year don't have any scientific proof to my knowledge, but they do make sense.

I have made many concoctions such as LB lacto bacillus, BIMs from corn, tomato, cucurbits(cuke-watermelon-squash), banana, potato, (pest deterrent) aloe-garlic-onion-hot peppers, most of them w/ the fruit and even parts of the plant. I have found that the smaller the stuff(blended) is faster to ferment-putrify. I add molasses to them during the growth/capture of BIM.

When I make my AVCT's I add about 1/4 cup ea, 1/2 cup of the LB,kelp/fish emulsion/liquid rare earth/molasses. The stocking off BIM from the worm bin, some worm castings.

I can't say any or all of it has/hasn't worked. I did have a successfull tomato/pepper year. Lots of powdery mildew on cucurbits, but I got kind of lazy w/ any treatment programs. SVB took out my acorn squash, I'll plant them later next year.

If you haven't read it all yet, GW would really be the best place to gather alot of info. I had a lot of good conversations w/ bluetranes and others there last winter.

Start w/ Why I love the internet, really it's on topic
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Old October 29, 2009   #8
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Originally Posted by RJ_Hythloday View Post

I've never looked at my AVCT under a microscope but I'm sure it's good for the soil. A lot of the things I have done this year don't have any scientific proof to my knowledge, but they do make sense.

So did giving estrogen to post menopausal women, and look how well that worked out.
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Old October 30, 2009   #9
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Originally Posted by RJ_Hythloday View Post
I have not been to the woods, but I do have a worm bin. I have made a concoction of steamed brown rice - then I add uncooked ground wheat germ/oat bran/flax seed molasses put it all in a cheap nylon stocking and bury it in the worm bin for 4-10 days, basically until I'm ready to brew some AVCT.
I've never looked at my AVCT under a microscope but I'm sure it's good for the soil. A lot of the things I have done this year don't have any scientific proof to my knowledge, but they do make sense.
I have made many concoctions such as LB lacto bacillus, BIMs from corn, tomato, cucurbits(cuke-watermelon-squash), banana, potato, (pest deterrent)
A like minded individual, I was begining to think I was alone on this site.
Thank you for the links, perhaps I should move over to GW?
Here is a link for the 'non-believers' who might want to look at new ideas, rather than stick in the mud. It's a long article, but well worth a read.

I have one question. I make cheese during the winter which produces quite large amounts of whey, perfect for the new gardening ideas, provided to will store. How can I keep it healthy until next spring, as we can't garden in the snow which is just about due.
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Old October 30, 2009   #10
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no way are you alone beeman! there are discussions on Idig as well. that's where i started reading about LB, EM/BIM. there were links to GW and other places. i found it fascinating.

i make my own dog food and use a lot of brown rice. when i wash it i save the liquid and let it sit for a few days and then add molasses to it. i mix one tablespoon plus (i eyeball it) to a gallon of water and used it on container plants this summer. i also used it here and there in the gardens like on the cukes and some pepper plants that were looking yellow and not healthy. the plants really responded to the mixture applications. i was very pleased with it. i am now using the LB on our plants inside the cabin...lemon, avocado, banana, etc... they all are staying lush and healthy, so far.

i tried making EM/BIM early this summer. i thought it was a way to use up old fruit and peelings and such. it ended up with a wispy black threaded mold all over the top of it, something that i didn't think looked as it should. the smell wasn't right either. i was told that what one puts into the EM/BIM is what one gets out of it. so, i figure the fresher the veggies, fruit, etc... i put in it, the better. i didn't have time to try it, but am definitely planning on doing so come spring.

RJ_Hythloday's post reminds me of the article written about Gil Carandang, a philipine farmer...

in his book/brochure, he mentions making a batch of brown cooked rice and, i can't remember the details exact now, but you put it in a container and slightly bury it in the woods where there's lots of activity and after so long dig it up and introduce it in your garden soil, compost, whatever, and the quality will improve. very exciting!
much sunshine,
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Old October 30, 2009   #11
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If preferring actual peer reviewed science to snake oil and woo! woo! pseudoscience is being a stick-in-the-mud, consider me happily immersed hip deep in soft, wet earth.

Init funny how every one of these sites folks throw at me trying to *cough, cough* enlighten me are either commercial sites, or link back to commercial sites?
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Old October 31, 2009   #12
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I'm with you Blue on preferring science to anecdotal hype. For anyone wanting an objective discussion on organic gardening I would recommend Jeff Gillman's The Truth About Organic Gardening (2008). He is a professor of Horticulture at the University of Minnesota and specializes in entomology. After reading the part on compost and manure teas I will never use them again. They can contain many dangerous pathogens if not brewed correctly.

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Old October 31, 2009   #13
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Blueaussi, if you don't have any information constructive or beneficial pertaining to this thread please refrain from the sarcasm. What peer reviewed science are you referring to, organic or inorganic? The site beeman referenced to is an excellent site on EM. Ami
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Old October 31, 2009   #14
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Originally Posted by amideutch View Post
Blueaussi, if you don't have any information constructive or beneficial pertaining to this thread please refrain from the sarcasm.
Why? Under what logical fallacy does sarcasm fall? However, in the interest of furthering discussion, I'll try to keep a lid on the sarcasm- although it is my natural state- if beeman agrees to refrain from slinging ad hominems at anyone who doesn't share his enthusiasm.


What peer reviewed science are you referring to, organic or inorganic?
None of the above. I would like to read one peer reviewed, published paper on the use of Dr. Higa's EM program and/or use. I would like that paper to be from someone who is *not* trying to make a profit from their version of EM or who is at least approaching it objectively. It reeks of snake oil and miracle cures to me at this point.

The site beeman referenced to is an excellent site on EM. Ami

The site beeman referred to is hosted by folks that are selling EM products. No references to check their science. A google of "Effective Microorganisms" turns up more commercial sites, all of whose references refer to papers presented at EM conferences and not published anywhere else that I can find. Oh, there was a Wikipedia article that had all kinds of flags for problems and who's references were, you guessed it, commercial sites. A cursory google of debunking EM turns up lots of references to the patents Dr. Higa applied for in the US and more commercial sites. That was about all the energy I was willing to put into researching EM.

Now, I am a big ol' tree hugger. My paper towel addiction not withstanding, I actively pursue ways to live greener. So, I'm more than a little interested in learning about natural and organic ways to improve the soil and thus my gardens. My inner biologist loves the idea of utilizing natural cycles of soil bacteria to improve the soil and health my gardens, so, yeah, I was interested in EM. I mean, seriously, science geekery and garden geekery all at once...Yee Haw! However, I want a little actual science behind my tree hugging, not sales pitches or gut feelings.

Ok, struggling with sarcasm again, so I'm ending this.
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Old October 31, 2009   #15
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so, velikipop and blueaussie, did you read the article i posted about Gil Caradang? here, i'll post it in its entirety below. he's a full time farmer, Fulbright scholar, and scientist with down-to-earth hands on experience. he is spreading his wealth of knowledge to all farmers, gardeners, caretakes of the earth on creating their own essences to improve their crops and replenish their fields, instead of having to purchase from corporations.

as i posted before, i have experimented with a couple of his concoctions and they work! is this not 'scientific' enough for you?

Using the ordinary to cultivate the mysterious power of beneficial indigenous microorganisms

Like a cut-rate magician, Philippine farmer and scientist Gil Carandang teaches farmers how to use cheap vodka, generic brown sugar, milk, rice and local soil to harness local microorganisms as invisible workhorses on their farms.

Gil Carandang: Full-time farmer, Fulbright scholar, and passionate advocate for empowering farmers to harness the indigenous life of the soil right on their farms.
Who wouldn’t be suspicious? Right from the get-go this workshop is promising cure-all concoctions that bring new life to everything they touch. The potions work in ways that are difficult to explain and impossible to actually see. The man conducting the affair is fast-talking and charismatic—he even lives in a far-off land. The whole thing smells like snake oil.

Here’s the catch: Gil Carandang, this crafty man from the Philippines, is not trying to sell us anything. In fact, he wants us to buy as little as possible—that’s the point of this seminar. The lesson that’s officially on the agenda is the same as the event’s formal title: “Cultivating Beneficial Indigenous Microorganisms.” But what’s really being taught here, the true objective, is the empowerment of farmers.

By learning how to cultivate microorganisms, growers become able to meet their needs with what exists on the farm and can stop buying amendments from chemical companies (purveyors who, some might argue, are the real peddlers in modern farming). The technology was born of ingenuity, but it has spread by financial necessity, primarily among farmers in developing countries for whom agricultural chemicals are painfully expensive.

“This technology can reduce your costs by 30 to 50%,” Carandang says. “It sounds amazing, but that’s the percent most farmers spend on pesticides and fertilizer. On my farm, we have only two medicines: Lacto bacillus and ginger-garlic extract. We make both ourselves.”

Learning how to do that is what has drawn a sold-out crowd to this vegetable farm in Bolinas, California, for one of Carandang’s rare seminars in North America. (The class covered both cultivating microorganisms and making fermented plant extracts. Only the former is discussed here.)

No hifalutin nonsense, just affordable techniques that work

Tools of the trade: Sugar, vodka, milk, garlic, mango, rice … Carandang uses these and other everyday ingredients to cultivate microorganisms in solutions that can be diluted and sprayed on compost piles to speed fermentation, or on plants to improve nutrient uptake or fight disease. The vodka shown here was used to make fermented plant extracts, which were covered in the California workshop, but not in this article.
It’s a simple set-up, with chairs crammed into the barn and facing a makeshift stage in the packing area. At center stage stand two folding tables. On them lie the unexpected tools of this fantastic technology: A box of generic brown sugar and a bulb of garlic. A quart of milk, a cutting board, and some cooked white rice. A liter of the cheapest vodka in California, and a Miller High Life tall boy.

He sounds like a crackpot, but in fact Carandang has studied farming all over the world, including as a Fulbright scholar. (He now farms full-time back in the Philippines.) This odd display of un-magical ingredients is evidence not of a sham, but rather of his emphasis on making technology accessible. You see, discussions of beneficial microorganisms usually take one of two dangerous paths. People either get New Age-y with it and scare listeners off, or (for fear of being called New Age-y), they legitimize the concept using complicated scientific formulas—to much the same effect. Carandang takes the middle road.

“In the Philippines, I’m usually teaching people who have never been to school, and they get it fine,” he says. “We don’t need no high-falutin’ nonsense around here.”

With today’s distinctly educated, Western crowd, the message doesn’t sink in immediately. Everyone is scribbling madly to keep up with Carandang’s patter, careful to not miss a word of the lesson. But as we are figuring out how to spell “hifalutin”, he catches us off-guard. “What matters here is that you understand the very essence of this idea. So stop taking notes, just listen.”

We lift our heads, and I realize that Carandang has been talking for an hour now and hasn’t touched a thing on the table. With an American teacher we would have photocopies of a syllabus and already be on section 2b. Instead, our teacher is circling around the subject, peeling off the outer layers of meaning, waxing on about the macrocosmic workings of Nature.

We don’t know it now, but this conceptual approach is essential to the practice we came to learn. Understanding the idea itself works as a sort of inoculant; without it, the act of Cultivating Beneficial Indigenous Microorganisms is more or less useless.

“This is rather than just ‘Oh, let’s spray this, and put on this fertilizer every two weeks,” he says. “Instead, you just need to open your eyes and pay attention, slow down the process. The plant will talk back. Not literally, but it will always tell us what is wrong, what is deficient. How could you know what it needs if you haven’t paid attention?”

Growing soil, not plants: Building up the soil’s life and biodiversity

Behind Carandang and the makeshift stage is an old forest so dense and tangled you can hardly make out its individual members. It turns out it is the perfect backdrop. Promoting health and growth are the objectives of this technology, and the forest has both in spades—naturally. It’s because of its biodiversity.

We all know the biodiversity spiel: the more life a place supports, the more variation it has; that variation means competition, which regulates populations into healthy numbers. The more a place is allowed to be natural, the more it balances itself out.

Natural balance is not the goal of the farmer, his work being the cultivation of select members of the ecosystem. But again: single crops, tight geometry, and insects and weeds eliminated, altogether mean a sterile environment that can’t keep itself in check. But a farm with variegated fields and wild plants and insects that feed sparrows that feed hawks is one that begins to balance itself.

Now, few farmers import hawks to strengthen their farm ecosystems. You just can’t insert something that high up the food chain and expect it to survive. Instead, build the system that supports it, and the hawks will come on their own.

“It’s not all about NPK here,” Carandang says. “It’s not all about sun, air, et cetera, it’s all about all. It’s all about one, about a whole unit. The more you are able to understand this, the more you’ll be able to practice good farming.”

Rather than grow plants, Carandang advocates growing soil. Not multiplying dirt, but building up the soil’s life and diversity—that is the foundation of this system. And the building blocks are microorganisms, whose most essential work is to break down nutrients into forms that are accessible to plants and animals. Without them, the planet would be bare rock.

“There is a Chinese proverb that goes, ‘Add humility to intelligence, it becomes wisdom. Add passion or fire to wisdom, it becomes enlightenment,’” Carandang says. “In soil fertility, it’s the same basis, that’s my opinion. It’s the fire that makes the living soil, and the fire is the microorganisms.”

This is the part where most of the world shakes its head. No amount of microorganisms could be as effective as bringing in a load of compost or spraying fungicides. They are too small to be powerful, too unfamiliar to be essential.

And yet farmers rely on them all the time. That pink dye on legume seed, for instance, is there to tell you the seed will fix nitrogen because it has been doused with the necessary inoculant—itself a beneficial microorganism. Anyone who has ever watched a compost heap steam has seen the strength of beneficial microorganisms, and anyone who has ever taken acidophilus to recover from antibiotics has felt them at work.

Any farmer who has suffered Phytopthera or Verticillium is familiar with microorganisms, but not the good kind. Luckily, as Carandang explains, these pathogens comprise only three to five percent of all microbes. “If it were more,” he says, “we’d all be dead.”

Plants and humans are protected from pathogens by diversity—it leads to competition, which prevents any single microbe from going out of control. In the forest, this diversity comes naturally as different plants and animals attract and support different microorganisms. But if you have, say, just grapes and cover crops planted, you’re not encouraging diversity, in fact you’re discouraging it. That is why you introduce microbes.

Making microbes

Dennis Dierks, host: Dennis has been working with Gil’s micro brews for over a year now, and says “I haven’t been this excited about farming for 25 years.” His customers tell him his vegetables taste better and last longer.
But first you must have the microbes. And that, hours later, is why we are in the barn, rather cold after sitting here for so long, but patiently learning how to Cultivate Beneficial Indigenous Microorganisms.

The act itself, in all its variations, might take 15 minutes to demonstrate. It’s a basic formula: Set out carbohydrates to attract microbes from a place—its air, its soil, its plants and animals. Feed the microbes sugar so they’ll multiply (or in the case of Lacto bacilli, feed them milk to encourage a specific population). Dilute the potion and apply it to whatever needs help.

If sheer diversity is the objective, then the microbes are collected from the wildest place one can find. The owner of this farm, Dennis Dierks, has wilderness at his doorstep, and so collected his microbes from the woods behind Carandang’s stage. Where there is no forest, the objective is still to find the place with greatest diversity. This could be even on the farm itself—a wild area behind the compost pile, or a healthy hedgerow. In fact, the closer to the farm, the better, as the most beneficial microbes are those naturally adapted to the ecosystem.

As the microbes are attracted and arrive to eat the carbohydrates, they go from invisible to visible, but just barely. Forest microbes are collected using cooked white rice, and success is marked by the appearance, after a few days, of mold. Lacto bacilli are heralded by the curdling of milk, other microbes simply by a sour smell to the liquid they’re in. Add some sugar, though, and the transformation is mind-blowing.

Last year, I saw Dierks’ brews as they came to life in his potting shed. They weren’t pretty, mostly soupy brown liquids in jugs and buckets, but the life inside them was astonishing. He went to give me a smell of one, labeled “Root Brew,” only to find the bottle cap had been sealed on by liquid seeping out from inside. He wrenched the plastic bottle between his hands, pulled, and bang! The cap popped off and liquid exploded all over the shed.

We stood there for a moment, our bare arms and faces and shirts brown and wet, Dennis holding what had become a sated volcano, calm but still dribbling out lava. “If this were chemicals we would be totally poisoned right now,” he said, “not to mention out of a lot of money. But that’s the beauty of it. Instead, your skin feels soft. It feels alive. And it’s free. I haven’t been this excited about farming for 25 years.”

Later in the season, several of Dierks’ long-time customers commented that his produce tasted better than in years past, and was keeping for longer. Meanwhile, Diane Matthews, another local farmer who had learned Carandang’s techniques, was using her own microbe brew to fight off the Phytopthera that was decimating her raspberries. “The plants were supposed to die,” she said at the workshop. “I didn’t know what would happen, but I figured I’d try the forest microbes. What happened was the Phytopthera disappeared. I got a crop at Thanksgiving! The berries were small, but their taste was excellent.”

The specific power of Lacto

Carandang explains that one can also home in on specific microbes for targeted results. The most useful is Lacto bacillus. This microorganism is the workhorse of the human digestive system (though luckily it is also found elsewhere). On the farm it’s used for similar tasks of digestion, something Dierks was relieved to hear last winter after the NOP had mandated that all manure be fully broken down before use. He applied his L. bacillus culture to the mound of manure beside his field, and the composting was faster than ever. Similarly, when sprayed on plants, L. bacilli will digest the biomass on the leaves and stems—dust, for instance, or mud—thus making that free food available to its host.

“Lacto” is the only microbe Carandang will mention by name, but it is only one of millions that can be collected and used. His instructions are characteristically simple: walk around the farm, find elements you want to reproduce, and collect the microbes that surround them. You could get the microbes from around a particularly robust tomato plant and spray that on next year’s crop. (These concoctions last for months, even years.) To make a growth promoter, find a beanstalk growing like mad, clip the leaves at the top of vine (where all the growth is happening) and make a brew of the resident microbes. Do it with bamboo, or even kelp, which grows inches each day.

“In the Philippines, we use water lettuce,” Carandang says. “We spray it on the cucumbers and boom! You can do that and be three or five days ahead of the other local farmers. If you’re a market gardener, that can be a big deal.”

After talking for nearly seven hours straight, Carandang ends the workshop because the daylight is starting to fade. The energy in the barn only rises. Despite the chill in the air and the stiff legs it granted us, we are all now bustling about, discussing how we plan—already—to put the technology to work.

Alan Mart does organic landscaping and soil management plans. His first thought is to collect the microbes from willow roots, which suffer no transplant shock, and apply them to other, more fragile specimens that he’s planting.

Patty Salmon is a goat rancher who has been turning her farm organic for years, but has always hit a wall when it comes to feed. With only 8 acres, she can’t possibly grow all the grain and forage for her herd of 100. Carandang explained that his brother, a chicken farmer, ferments his feed and applies Lacto bacillus to it. This causes a pre-digestion that makes a greater percentage of the nutrients available to the chickens, and results in their eating less. Salmon thinks maybe she can extend her reach by doing the same.

Also conferring are Doug Gallagher and Annabelle Lenderink, from Star Route Farms, one of the oldest and most venerated organic farms in the country. Gallagher heard about beneficial microorganisms 25 years ago, and the farm is already using some store-bought varieties to combat lettuce drop and mildew. They’ve had moderate success, though Gallagher admits they continue using them less because of quantifiable effects and more because he believes in the concept. He’s hopeful that will change with microbes collected from the farm’s forested acreage, which have evolved to thrive in that particular piece of land. And if not, well, at least they’re free.

Of course Carandang is swarmed with students and their questions after the talk. While waiting their turns, a few pick up the two clean brown bottles on the larger folding table. They contain Carandang’s own Lacto bacillus culture, made back in the Philippines. He brings them along to demonstrate a finished product, but he also has a few for sale. Frankly, though, for all his charms, he’s a terrible businessman. One workshop student carries a bottle over to him and asks the price.

“It’s ten dollars,” Carandang says, “but you don’t need to buy it. Just make your own. I guarantee it will be better.”
much sunshine,
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