Originally Posted by MissS
Two years ago I moved and started a new garden. Unfortunately my beds were all infected with verticillium wilt. I gardened the beds for two years and it just spread. I was desparate. I treated my beds with a very very strong bleach treatment. I waited a week and did it again. Two months later I added my soil ammendments along with innoculating bacteria and fungi. I had no problems with disease last year. I debated about treating them again this past fall but I decided to leave them and see how it goes.
BTW - The worms and sow bugs were unharmed with this treatment.
I wonder if this bleach method would work for root-knot nematodes. I'm going to try the recommended soil solarization method, but maybe doubling that up with a bleach treatment would increase the likelihood of success. The affected area is still fairly small at this point, probably less than 20 square feet.