Thread: Tumblers!
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Old April 30, 2015   #1
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Default Tumblers!

I've been looking for an early, really good tumbling tomato for hanging baskets. These are my first tomatoes of the year, and I like to start them in mid-February here in 5b using lights until about mid-April. Then into the cold frame. The problem is that most of these don't "tumble" well under these growing conditions. Instead they develop a main stem and get really tall for the space I have available. I thought I'd found a solution with "Tumbling Junior Yellow." They did have a nice growth habit, but did not taste very good at all to me. This year I started some Tumbling Tom Red, and although the advertised maturity is 63-75 days (say as opposed to Tumbler's supposed 49-days), the growth habit is terrific. Most of these plants are short and very well branched -- looking like miniature pine trees! I'm also trying "Tumbling Tiger" which is supposedly compact and earlier and from the same breeder, Vegetalis. So far, Tiger looks great. You can tell a lot of the growth habit within the first week after sprouting -- this one is staying nice an compact. High hopes for T.Tiger.

Has anyone found any other candidates that grow compactly and taste good? I'd love to hear if you have.

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