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Old June 14, 2013   #11
ArthurDent004's Avatar
Join Date: Dec 2012
Location: Cordova, TN
Posts: 148

I put in a fertilizer strip using Miracle Gro Shake n Feed for Tomatoes, Fruits, and Vegetables. Before I put in the strip I mixed a batch of liquid nutes using General Hydroponics Flora Duo, CalMagic, and Myco Madness as a soil drench after putting the bare root plants in place. I think I need to mix up another batch to use as a soak after I put down the blood meal.

I was reading what others have used. One said a general purpose fertilizer should be used during the veg growth phase. You would change to a bloom mix when you see flowers. Another person added both bone and blood meal to the general purpose fertilizer. I was in Ace Hardware earlier in the week and saw some fertilizer that specifically said "Not to be used in container gardening". I found this fertilizer online. It's look very interesting.

Jack's Classic Acid Special -

From their website "Jack's Classic® Acid Special 17-6-6 is very effective in reducing the soil pH, which keeps iron and other trace elements available to the plant."

I think I mixed too much lime in my soil mix and my PH is higher than I want it to be. I was wondering if this plant food would help. I looked for solutions online but most said once you've potted your plant you can't do anything to adjust your soil mix without harming it. Your only option is to repot in new mix.
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