Thread: Sprouting eyes
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Old January 26, 2017   #2
PhilaGardener's Avatar
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Presprouting potatoes in light (a process called chitting) stimulates growth but keeps the shoots short while getting you off to a quicker start in the garden. It also lets you see if your tubers don't spout because they have been treated with an inhibitor, saving time if they aren't going to grow. As I am sure you know, exposure to light also triggers greening of the tuber and the accumulation of compounds that make the potato toxic so that isn't a good idea if you are going to eat them (but might be protective when planted in the garden).

All that said, potatoes with long, white sprouts that grew in the dark also do just fine when planted; they are just a bit harder to handle.

Note that a lot of the potatoes sold in stores labeled as Yukon Golds are not true to type. Getting seed potatoes from a reliable source is expensive but one of the best ways to get healthy material that is true to variety.

Good luck!
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