Thread: Figs
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Old July 12, 2017   #33
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Originally Posted by Father'sDaughter View Post
Continuing my experiments on my purchased Hardy Chicago.

After a lot of reading and watching You Tube videos, today I started my first plastic bag air layer on a low branch I was planning to prune after this season anyway. If it's successful, I'll have another tree next year. If not, I resort to plan B which is rooting cuttings from other branches I'm planning to prune off.

Dad's are doing great considering he just cut a few good size branches off his trees this spring, stuck them in a pot of soil (not potting mix), and watered them. That's the way he has successfully started all his cuttings over the years, but it's definitely not the way I'm seeing it done by the fig "experts" all over the Internet...

I will need to separate them into three separate pots early next spring (there are actually two "black" figs in the pot), but he's already told me he'll show me how when the time comes.

At this rate I'll be well on my way to a driveway potted fig orchard. Just need to make sure there will be room for them all in the shed for the winter!
Many of the so called internet experts and YouTube experts are idiots to say the least.
Or at least so arrogant they wont take advise or criticism from people.

I did have one nice lady send me a message back thanking me for letting her know her pressure canner gauge was loose.

As for the cuttings that is how they have done it for years as well as starting seeds.
Wet sand was a good choice too and what I used.
People have had potted plants for 1000's of years and they sure as heck didn't have the big box store to get potting mix from.
Hanging Gardens of Babylon.
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