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Old April 26, 2019   #12
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: Branson MO
Posts: 441

This may get me booted from T'Ville, but if that is the case, then I'm happy to go.

We live on a little ball in the middle of a huge universe, surrounded by multiple planets that are uninhabitable. We survive in a delicate balance of temperature, oxygen and precipitation. Science documents that greenhouse gasses are building in our atmosphere causing sea levels to rise, polar ice to retreat and global temperatures to rise at an alarming rate.

I'm 70, and I'll be long gone before the consequences of our neglect come down on us, but I have children, grandchildren and great grandchildren who will suffer as a result of the callous neglect we have about our planet. We allow those who stand to gain by continuing to burn fossil fuels to dictate our decisions.

There was a time in America where we were concerned about leaving a legacy to our children and grandchildren so they could live a better life than us, but now it's greed and power that dictate energy policy.

I wish we could zip ahead 50 years and see what our decisions have wrought. Other than that, there is little hope that we will have the will to influence decisions away from profit and toward preserving our planet.
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