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Old May 5, 2013   #4
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Originally Posted by Tonio View Post
Sorry to hear about your botrytis issue Lyn. Are these in your lath structures or outside?What kind of neem oil are you using? I saw the pending mini SOSA for thursday/friday, and I irrigated and treated prior to the onslaught. Pending irrigation for tomorrow but I will see the forecast tonight to be sure. My bed soil is still in good moist levels today.

I was decimated last year with powdery mildew, and possibly some other fungi pathogen.
This year I've been using actinovate & serenade every week, and only see insect pressures so far.
I'm kinda worried about the possible rain due on sunday/monday. If it rains, it appears to be a warm temp rain, and fear all kinds of spores will float in. ugh I have many blossom trusses on 7 week old plants in peak pollination state.
Hope you make a quick recovery!!

These are plants that are in the original lath house structure. The one made from a modified Harbor Freight Greenhouse. So, the air circulation against the back wall is not as good as it is in the other, newer structures. I've always been careful to keep the plants pruned up at least 12-18 in from the ground for that area. But, I hadn't done much drastic pruning yet this year. I make sure to spray Neem every week (right now I've got Safer brand that I ordered from Amazon) and alternating with Actinovate+Excel LG. I had sprayed with Neem on Wed early in the am and then sprayed with BT on Thurs early in the am. I've got half my plants outside the houses this year, and they look fine so far. But now I'm worried about the rain on Sun/Mon too.

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