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Old March 26, 2008   #5
MAGTAG™ Coordinator
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Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Baltimore, MD
Posts: 400

I've been busy with a work deadline, but now it's over and I can get crackin' on my MAGTAG duties. I will call Baltimore County this next or week or next week and reserve a pavillion for SATURDAY, AUGUST 16, 2008, if it's available.

DH Dave is happy, because it doesn't conflict with the highlight of his summer, the Bel Air Barbecue Bash, which is the weekend before. This also means we can use him a grillmeister again this year!

Somebody on the "other forum" commented that we should consider beginning the festivities later in the day when it isn't so hot. The only problems I can see with this are 1) I think we need to vacate the park by 6:00 - I'll check on this, and 2) it takes forever to tally the results of the tasting contest.
Which reminds me - any suggestions for streamlining the judging would be much appreciated. So far we've tried two different techniques and neither has really been acceptable. The varietie that are more prolific, as well as those that are brought in earlier in the day, get the most tasters. This skews the results toward those varieties. Plus, I usually am stuck doing the tallying, and (despite using a calculator) I am math-impaired - just ask the people I have to weigh in at Weight Watchers meetings!
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