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Old June 16, 2010   #9
Join Date: Jul 2007
Location: Orangevale/CA
Posts: 31

Grr, lost my message! Dirt Devil, love that they can be grown just with twine, I'd never have thought of that!!!

Kath, you answered a few big questions of mine, such as innoculant. Glad to hear there wasn't much of a difference without it! It was recommended a lot in books, but a salesperson at a nursery said only use it if I was selling them at market. Since my bush beans were so bad I was leaning toward using it, but it sounds like my money would be better spent on netting to put over the PVC trellis! If I do it that way, I'll have some small, non-smooth stakes to get to the netting. I filled the barrel to the top since there are many worms in the bottom from the last few years and didn't want to disturb them.

SO, just to check, with the wine barrel, would 6 pole bean plants be the max, or would more fit? I know compared to bush beans they don't need as much root room for some reason, and wasn't sure how many to use. I have three different kinds and think they'd look great together, and don't have another place to plant them without cramming them together more. So, if I can do more than 6, that would be great! Thank you all for your help, and for answering this if you know the answer.

It's been frustrating looking at pots this year since even plastic ones are more expensive! I'm tempted to grow extra tomato plants in storage containers instead of buying large pots, the prices are crazy! I have my ETs, but want room for the couple determinates for free as well as some other things like peppers, and the price for a 12 inch pot at Lowes was over $4, whereas a large carry container for toys with rope handles and OSH was only a few dollars more, and I could put ALL My peppers in that! Off my soapbox, but would love to hear recommendations on the amount of plants max for the wine barrel! Thank you all so very much!

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