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Old March 25, 2021   #9
Milan HP
Join Date: Dec 2017
Location: Ústí nad Labem in the north of the Czech Republic
Posts: 332

okay, you have no problems with BER in tomatoes, but the other plants are different. You infer that nitrogen isn't a problem with tomatoes. None at all. So, what's wrong with the other plants? What do you think the main cause is? Clearly it isn't an insufficient amount of calcium in the soil as your tomatoes are okay - in my experience they suffer from BER more than zucchini or squash. Why is it the other way round in your case? You say there was a bad year last year, how come it didn't affect tomatoes as well? And what do you do to prevent or at least reduce BER in the other plants? There is a reason, why watermelons, squash and pumpkins couldn't absorb enough calcium and tomatoes could. A factor that didn't affect toms, only the other plants. Any suspicions?

Milan HP
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