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Old June 3, 2010   #36
Dewayne mater
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I think the issue may have been a lot of heat in a short amount of time, combined with very rapid growth and heavy fruit set. Our temps went from 70s and 80s to to 95 plus overnight. That plus very high humdity with night time "cooling" down to upper 70s and we now have 100 plus forecast for several days is not good for man, beast or tomatoes!

I have taken a few steps, mostly those suggested by Ami and Ray which appear to have greatly slowed the problem, which had been getting worse by the day. One, I suspended shade cloth 50% block over them. (Pictures to come, taken, but not uploaded yet...but think urban garden) Two, I put the containers on top of 2x4s to get them up off the hot driveway and allow the air to circulate under them. Three, on every water refill, I have included either calcium/magnesium liquid fertilizer (posted above, used at a 19% rate of calcium) or the calcium plus another product that is a liquid tomato fertilizer with Ca, N, P and K. Four, I moved the tainers to an area that gets full shade from the roof by 5 (hottest part of our day is 5-6) and I think gets better air circulation.

I don't know that the problem is licked as I've still plucked some BER fruit, but, there is improvement with these efforts. The canary in the coalmine test for me is the Stupice plant. I picked at least 2 dozen BER fruit from it, but over the last few days, when I have checked it, I've found only one more BER affected fruit. Moreover, it continues to produce at an astounding rate and has dozens of new fruit on the way. I only wish I like the taste better! (Maybe bloody butcher or Kimberly next year for my early).

More good news is that Goose Creek has set a few new fruit and so far so good. I'm hopeful some or all of those will make it to harvest, because prior to doing this, all fruit on GC ended up with BER. I did ultimately lose a few black and brown boar and Indian Stripe to BER, but the problem was very minor with those, so I think some varities must be more susceptible to this problem than others.

I'm extremely greatful for all of the advice, and I know that had I not taken this advice, I had a great chance of losing everything. Thank you.
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