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Old January 25, 2023   #1
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: No. VA zone 6/7
Posts: 8
Default Small(er) Bicolor?

Hey folks -
Looking for recommendations for a medium (or regular sized! ;-) bicolor tomato. It seems like I either see very small (cherry types) or very large (1.5 to 2 pound) versions but nothing in the middle.

The other thing I'm looking for is some nice red/orange/yellow color inside, and of course great flavor. The few mid-size bicolors I see don't look that great when sliced.

Is there something that looks like a Virginia Sweets or Lucky Cross, but is around one pound or less, that also tastes great?

I've been growing Little Lucky for a few years now, but haven't found it particularly tasty. Don't know if it's operator error on my end, or my microclimate, but I'm ready to give up on them because they just don't taste good/great.


PS - It's probably been discussed before, but is there a reason why the bicolored tomatoes are often HUGE?
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