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Old March 10, 2009   #9
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I’m all for it myself, It’s about time the government stepped in and did something about amateur gardeners.
This sort of practice should be left up to professional responsible companies that know what they are doing.
It would also create new jobs as we would need more garden police to look out for these illegal gardens so they can go in and arrest the violators, take away their children, burn the crops and seize their property.
The only people that should be allowed to grow gardens are ones that have a license and pay out a tax on said garden.
Grocery stores and suppliers lose millions of dollars a year just because some of us grow our own food and it is about time it stopped.

It would also help create new illegal crop sales that would bring in vast amounts of money to those that would care to partake of such practice.
It would cause the government state and federal to build more prisons to house the violators and would cause them to hire more guards to watch them.

These prisons would have grandmothers, mothers, fathers, grand fathers, collage students and just good folks all around in them and we would have to let out rapists child molesters and violent criminals all around to make more room.

Sounds like a GREAT PLAN to me.
Why haven’t they done this already?

Maybe we could get the tobacco and alcohol companies involved somehow
While we are at it we should make it illegal to purify our own water so the big water companies can do it the right way so we won’t hurt ourselves doing it at home.

We could call the new government organization the VEA (vegetable enforcement agency) consolidate it with the DEA TSA CIA FBI Border Patrol ad it to Home Land Security and charge violators with terrorist acts against national security then we could toss in endangerment to children, suspected domestic violence, and call it a hate crime some how.
Ad a new law that would say they are using a garden tiller to commit a felony and add 10 years to the sentence.
That should keep them in prison for years to come
If you buy a garden hoe water hose rake fertilizer or anything evolved with common yard work you would have to be put on a list.
They have to hire folks to keep up with the list and it would create a whole new government bureaucracy and make even more jobs.

I think I will go out now beat the rush and start breaking the law.

I just love it.

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