Thread: Corn Quandry
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Old June 26, 2019   #27
Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: SE PA
Posts: 963

GoDawgs did you pick any yet?
Corn Quandry is a good title. Every year. It just takes up so much room in a garden but I want as much as I can get because none of it goes to waste.

My first two double rows are about at half silk. The tassels tops are about my eye level, call it 5-1/2 ft tall. Looks like two cobs forming on each. I am growing "Incredible" this year. Seems to me it has been excellent weather for my setup of raised double rows. We have had heavy rains, but then it clears up the next day instead of lingering high humidity and wetness. Lots of fields here have flooded areas each week. It has been nice not having to water.

This next month of course will make or break it but to me it looks good at this point. There was no way I could see to side dress it the way I have it set up, but I did look into it this year. I was about ready to plant butternut starts in the walking paths, but now I'm thinking maybe I just put them in the doubles of the set that is at half silk already. I was worried about the butternut stealing too much nutrition too soon, but they are just a week old and if those rows are done in 4 weeks...? Last year I planted two hungry 5 week old cantaloupe in one end of a corn block while the corn was still very young. That entire end of the block didn't stay a deep green and never sized up, and was practically a total loss.

I'll take a picture tonight and see what you guys think.
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