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Old June 13, 2011   #13
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Originally Posted by organichris View Post
Okay here's a stupid question: What does "burpless" mean? I couldn't help but wonder that when I belched up that cucumber taste in my mouth yesterday.

Burpless just means they have less of the cucurbitacins (the bitter sweet chemicals that is are cucumbers), Burpless varieties have a lower amount of the chemical that's all so they are less likely to make you burp that taste.

Armenian Cucumbers ( aka Snake melon and many other names) is a melon that taste like a cucumber, but since it is a melon it has no cucurbitacins chemicals at all. So if you are really sensitive to the burping that might be the best one for you.

Also remember a burp is trapped gas either it is swallowed along with your food as in air. Think soda pop as it is carbonated as an example and it makes you burp. Then there are foods that produce gas after eating cucumbers and cabbage are two examples. Most important though is remember its better out the top than out the bottom lol

Last edited by Stepheninky; June 14, 2011 at 12:06 AM.
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