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Old February 7, 2006   #4
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: New Orleans, LA
Posts: 27
Default too much information. :)

If it's merely a question of watering, I'll stuff as many in as will fit.

I live in New Orleans, and containers MUST be watered at LEAST once a day. It's so warm, if I'm to have any hope of keeping the temperatures down around my plants (as well as keeping them hydrated), I'll be watering each and every morning.

I'll also be feeding with dilute fish emulsion or seaweed once every couple weeks.

I've only got 3 half barrels (Intended for 1 Sweet 100, 2 Red Lightning, 2 Black Pearl, 2 Tigerella, 1 Wisconsin 55, and 3 Green Zebras), 7 16" pots (2 Gold Nuggets, 1 Tommy Toes, 1 Tommy Toes Yellow, and 3 Green Grapes), 7 18" square pots (mentioned in OP, each for 2 plants of 7 varieties sweet bell peppers, as well as 2 each Patio Princess, Silvery Fir Tree, Tiny Tim, or Small Fry), 7 12" pots (assorted same dwarfs previously mentioned).

I've had to do a lot of very specific planning.
I'm assuming that many of these larger varieties are going to top out around 4-5 feet (I know the Sweet 100 is likely going to sprawl endlessly). If my general size assumptions are off, PLEASE let me know. Most of these varieties are completely new to me this year.

I only hope there's something I can do to keep the pollen from overheating. I tend to think that's what's kept my plants from producing in years past (I've never been very good at this, but I try every year, regardless). They live on a covered NE facing balcony, and will get sun between dawn and around 2:pm (7-ish hours?). The temps tend to stay in the lower 90's all summer long (which goes from April to November), but we frequently get days in the high 90's. And the humidity is always above 80%.

I can locate the plants to the other side of the balcony, where they would get sun between 7 and 10, and then again between 4 and 7. I don't really know which sun schedule would work better.

Anyway. Thanks for the info, and for any additional info that gets offered up.
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