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Old April 20, 2010   #4
Tom Wagner
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For some reason I seem to be guilty of this witticism....There is no such thing as a stupid question, just stupid people who ask ...questions!
cut potatoes covered the whole kitchen counter, which my wife surveyed with either wonder or concern. She was struck speechless,
I have asked so many questions to myself that I am not surprised is someone is struck speechless.....Why in the world would one create such.....?

Now if I left cut potatoes in the kitchen wife would not be struck speechless, let me tell you....... and admiration is the furthermost thought in her head. lol.

225710, Sarpo Finger and some others like Boy Pig x Red Thumb, Adirondacksen x Kern Toro
First of all I like the PI 225710 - Solanum phureja subsp. phureja - CCC 278 - Cauca, Colombia
It is a selected clone out of the above accession either through sib mated seed or closely related PI numbered crosses. It came from a garden in Colombia back over 62 years ago and represents one of the best of the phureja type potatoes. It keeps well and the color is fun...purple skin with ....

Adirondacksen is a cross of Adirondack Blue and Redsen, a cross I made 6 years ago. The cross of Adirondacksen crossed to Kern Toro was made 4 years ago. The true seed was grown out as seedlings two years ago and I like it because the skin is so red and the pink flesh is appealing.

Boy Pig is one of the crosses I made 6 years ago between one of my Boyd series of reds to a POR02PG9 seedling line that now combines tetraploid and diploid pedigrees. It was a light red skin, very yellow flesh potato with unique flavors. The cross to Red Thumb was just another attempt to get unique fingerlings into the fray. I sent a yellow clone to a member here and a red clone to Chris C. who may be a member here also.

Sarpo Finger is pronouced Sharpo Finger and it is a mauve/pink skinned fingerling with some noted Late Blight resistance. The mother of it is Sarpo Mira and I think there is some wild species in the background of Mira because of the fingerling shape!

Enough of the background of these lines...I know I am boring some people to the nth degree!

Tom Wagner
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