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Old May 10, 2006   #14
TomatovilleŽ Administrator
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All tomato varieties may be canned. :wink:

If using the water bath method, there are a couple of true low acid varieties i.e. JetStar that should have a bit of extra ascorbic or citric acid added to each jar before canning them to prevent them from developing the dreaded botulism toxin.

If you use a pressure canner, you may omit adding the extra acid as the higher processing temperature will kill any toxin spores.

There are some varieties better suited for canning; the smaller the seed locules are (cavities) the more flesh and less juice you will have in the final product.

The above is more a matter of personal taste than a hard/fast rule. 8)

One last word of farewell, Dear Master and Mistress.

Whenever you visit my grave,

say to yourselves with regret

but also with happiness in your hearts

at the remembrance of my long happy life with you:

"Here lies one who loved us and whom we loved."

No matter how deep my sleep I shall hear you,

and not all the power of death

can keep my spirit

from wagging a grateful tail.
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