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Old May 5, 2008   #53
Tomatoville Honoree
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Louisville, Kentucky
Posts: 460
Default CHOPTAG Plant Exchange

I am recovering from a full day spent in Cincinnati at the CHOPTAG Plant Exchange. This is the energizer which gets me started for a summer of growing Heirloom Tomatoes! All YOU good folks just keep growing on me year after year like family and provide the cream of the crop tomato seedlings with such generosity. The outsiders who wandered by were impressed with our efforts and they were rewarded with tomatoes as well! The Tomato Tasting is even better! COME JOIN US!

First thing this morning I had a message from Larry (cottonpicker) wanting to know about the CHOPTAG gathering. I filled him in and mentioned that it would be good to have him visit for the Tomato Tasting. See his response below and SPAM him with other invitations! Lol Gary

“You mentioned the CHOPTAG tasting.... hummmm? never considered it before, but.... I'll give it some thought.... can't promise anything yet, but it WOULD be a great opportunity to meet YOU in person & the others I know only thru their postings on Tomato Forums. I WILL give it some thought..... when?? where, exactly?? Cincinnatti???”
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