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Old March 23, 2008   #221
Join Date: Oct 2007
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Good luck because thats what i used last year,did not work!!! I've used sharpies,reg.perm.markers.those stinky kind,I'm going to use copper and etch the name right into them i think.Are we all still on for Ruskins??? In our In the field mag. It had the date for this year,can't remember when off the top of my head.
I think the new heat mat from parks that my daughter got for me for christmas may be COOKING my seeds,my germination is awful on that pad!!!! Anyone else have problems with theirs?? I transplanted last week over 160 tomato's to the garden,have about 150 more to go into the beds and started about 29 more varieties,I'm in Daves trails with 33 varieties so far that i will seed Monday and I'm not going to use that heat mat.My dwarf seeds that i put on the heat mat not a one came up of Sneezy or Grumpy,other seeds did but not those,i'm so sad they did not come up!!!
I just got seeds for SPOON tomato's and i can't wait to see what they are like!!!
Dave gave me some varieties that set friut in the HEAT
I can't wait to see what they do in July here!!!! One is from Hawaii
Has anyone growen the climbing tomato's down here? The ones that get from 14 to 20 foot? I got a bunch of those,i want a tomato arbor and some tomato trellises I seen this really cool 125' long one somewhere,i can't remember at the moment and it was so beautiful,some say down here they will just cook in the sun,but i got to try at least a few seed of them now and then will do the majority in the fall gardens and cry when winter comes!!! I'm also going to put some in the middle of the green house and see if i can keep them going all year,along with other plants growing up fence walls in there. It can't hurt to try Anyway I'm loving gardening and the learning of it all,thanks for your help as this yank learns about the southern way!!! Happy Easter to all and ahve fun in the gardens this week.
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