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Old March 18, 2008   #47
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Don, I take it your going to use the rubbermaid containers and rather than put holes in the bottom your going to put a couple holes in the side 2"-4" up from the bottom to create a reservoir. I do the same with my styrofoam ice chests that I use for containers. Unless you are going to water continually you won't have a problem. I have a German version of the EB with a plastic grate sitting up about 2" from the bottom. When I removed the plant the roots had grown down into the reservoir and were quite healthy. Basically the plant was growing hydroponically. By keeping an eye on the aggregate and lifting the containers you should get a feel for what is going on as far as how much water is being retained in the reservoir. Like you said you can always punch a couple holes lower if you think you have a problem. By the time your plants are 3 feet tall you should have it pretty much in control. Ami
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totally worn out, shouting ‘...Holy Crap .....What a ride!'
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