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Old February 29, 2008   #5
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Jennifer, I have seen that variety name before but for the moment just where I have seen it totally escapes me.

Carolyn, Trophy rings a bell but I think it does so because you've mentioned it before, a discussion on GW if memory serves, but that's a big if these days!

The reason I have posted this is that a new seed seller in Australia has GL listed as an Australian variety. It is inconceivable to me that any Australian thing would be given a French name. It's just doesn't gel with the Australian psyche to do so. Of course, 100 years ago may have been entirely different but I doubt it.
It is, however, quite conceivable that the English would have applied a French name. After all, they use French words for zucchini, eggplant and snowpea - courgette, aubergine and mangetout respectively, although the French themselves use the term pois gourmand for snowpea, not mangetout!
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