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Old February 24, 2008   #15
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I agree that it probably isn't practical for use in a single earthbox. As Carolyn indicates, the official studies were done on determinite plants in commercial situations. Obviously the most appropriate use. Not my best suggestion.



Another factor why the Red Mulch won't have much of an impact in an Earthbox is due to the tomato plants being "elevated" in the cage system, therefore not benefiting from the radiant effect.

I suspect the University study that Carolyn cited with a 20% increase in productivity had the tomato plants either lying directly on the Red Mulch, or suspended near the ground using the Florida weave method - not something you would do in an Earthbox.


Can you explain a bit more on your experiment? What exactly do you want put in Side "A" of the EarthTainer, and what do you want put in Side "B"?

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