Thread: Golden Harvest
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Old February 21, 2008   #2
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: PNW
Posts: 4,743

I have. I have bought seeds, humic acid, mosquito dunks,
that custom organic house brand fertilizer they sell, etc.

A couple of weeks ago the link to the order commit from
the order page was not working. I assumed that it was some
problem with the hosting service that would probably be
fixed in short order, but I have not been back to check yet.

The fertilizer worked well, but it is pricy and seems kind of
high nitrogen for tomatoes to me (about the reverse of
TomatoTone's N-P-K ratio, for example). Probably great for
leafy greens, etc, or for soil with half-cooked compost in
it. I always use the humic acid when starting seedlings,
potting up, and transplanting. (I had this mock bamboo
growing in a pot indoors. It had just sat there growing leaves
for about 5 years. I put humic acid in the water that I watered
it with one spring, and up popped a flower pod, this kind of
stringy looking yellow thing with little reproductive beads
of some kind along it. I think the humic acid probably chelated
phosphorus in the soil that it had been unable to take up
because the pH was off.)

I have had no problems at all with their tomato seeds. 80-90%
germination, true to type, etc. The freebie last year was
Pink Oxheart, which was very productive but bland tasting
(in a summer with the kind of weather you are having this

PS: I noticed that shipping was up a few dollars this year.
(Probably not a good deal for 3 or 4 packets, for example.)

Last edited by dice; February 21, 2008 at 11:24 PM. Reason: added detail
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