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Old February 5, 2008   #69
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Tomato grower’s supply is a good source for seeds as a few others.

I need to update my list and start a small amount of seeds before I go to work.

About 70 varieties this year, so far.

It’s a little late for me to start seeds but last year I started at this time with good results.
Besides I need to start my peppers soon.

You could try and look for determinate tomatoes to grow; they will put out a lot of fruit at once as these would be your best choice.

Some aren’t listed as heirlooms but they are open pollinated and are good tomatoes.
Some indeterminate tomatoes I would suggest for you would be.

Mexico seems to be all the talk right now and put out some real big fruit last year.

Riesentraube a grape type tomato with a good tomato flavor, the plants get huge with trusses containing 30 tomatoes or more.
Mine grew over 15 feet long last year.

Gregories Alti (SP?) Tastes great and does well in cool weather.

Stump of the world. Trying it for the first time this year but the reviews seem to be good.

Lime green salad, if you’ve never had a green when ripe before this may very well be the first to try.

Kellogg’s Breakfast, A real good yellow/orange tomato, and a real must in any garden.

And the list goes on and I do wish others would chime in for some other varieties.

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