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Old March 24, 2006   #10
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Val, contacting a company to let them know that germination was bad to zero is always a good idea, but asking for fresh seeds next year usually isn't an option.

And that's b'c they will use up what they already have and aren't going to go get seeds for certain varieties that are better.

I'd like to say that ALL companies contacted about crossed seed or low germinating seed would pull them from their listings, but I know that not to be the case.

For two years running I did a wrong varieties thread at GW and I was the contact to various seed companies that had problems and I do know that in some cases the bad/wrong seeds continued to be listed and sold.

I'm always hopeful they'll get their collective acts together and am hesitant to list such companies publically since situations can and do change.

Most folks aren't interested in getting reimbursed, they want the seeds. And many companies do state that their liability is limited to the cost of the seeds.

And of course there's absolutely no recourse when it comes to most traded seeds.
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