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Old February 3, 2008   #7
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: PNW
Posts: 4,743

Any suggestions an early 4-8 ounce variety for the PNW?
Aurora and Fireworks II worked well for me last year. Aurora
was as early as advertised, first fruit about the same time
as Stupice, fruit 2-3 times the size. Fireworks II was a week
or two later, depending upon sun exposure (different plants
in different amounts of direct sun exposure per day), biggest
fruits were bigger than Aurora.

These also might be possibilities, based on reports
from other people:

Sandhill has Redskin in their 2008 catalog. I don't know
where you might find the other two. Tania may or may
not have enough seeds of any of those to sell.
(It's not like she has pounds of seed around for the cultivars
that she maintains, even though she offers seed for sale. You
just have to email her and ask if you see something there that
sounds interesting.)

I have seeds for Aurora and Fireworks II, PM me your
address if you want some.
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