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Old January 19, 2008   #13
Tomatovillian™ Honoree
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 507

Originally Posted by carolyn137 View Post

I love your posts and you say you don't live that far from me here in the NE so why not consider driving over and visiting if it isn't too far.
Thanks Carolyn! I enjoy yours too. Sorry about spelling cavalry incorrectly - at 2:30 in the morning the spell checker does the spelling for me. I do wish the every other day snow would stop so that I can get a decent night's sleep. (I have severe nerve damage from an old injury - kicks up fits when the air pressure changes.)

I just checked Google and you are only a spit and a stone's throw over the hill. I only have to make one turn after I leave the driveway, hahaha! I never realized you were so close by, Carolyn! Under 60 miles. I would love to come visit one of these days soon!

I agree with you about seeing proof and using controls re the companion planting. Cunningham states now and then that there is "evidence" that a particular combo works, but nowhere can I find her actually foot-noting or otherwise specifying what those proofs might be.

If these were medical studies or chemistry I could lay hands on them in less than a heart beat. Anyone know where they hide the botany?
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