Thread: Winter is here!
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Old December 31, 2007   #2
bryanccfshr's Avatar
Join Date: May 2007
Location: Farmington, Nm
Posts: 450

I am hoping that frost will end by early March. At least we have been dry so far and sans the ice storms we had last year, we can do without that The light freezes are usefull in knocking out alot of the insects like, fleas, leaf hoppers and other sucking vile virus spreaders.

I have a group of 24 early seedlings already under lights in my garage(early start contingency). The refrigerator and hot water heater keep it above killing temps. I will start the back up group in 3 weeks.
Last week when I turned my compost piles they were steaming in the cold air, I have enough home made to add a cubic foot to each tomato planting.
My grapefruit and manderin trees will prevail.

Happy new years. A little over 60 days to first plant out for me
I moved!
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