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Old November 10, 2007   #12
Worth1's Avatar
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: Den of Drunken Fools
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In the town I live in if I tried to sell a plant with some wild name and color the non worldly locals would just go yuck.
“”””I anit gonna eat nothin like that, must be some kind of hippie tree hugger tomato.””””

BUT they are on the down swing as more folks that are from other parts of the world have moved in.
So we have a wide diversity of folks around here, the locals and the outsiders.
The locals hate the outsiders and they hate almost anything new including a tomato that the outsiders brought with them.

Now Austin is another story it is very modern and has a lot of folks that love anything organic or heirloom and will pay a hefty price for it.

So with that all said I would even in Austin present only about 10 to 20 variety’s because more will only confuse them.
With this amount it will cover all of the bases and of course you have to be rather flamboyant.
Don’t just sit there like a knot on a log and expect folks to make up their mind.
You have to make it up for them but in a way that makes them think they made all of the decisions.

Get them interested, call them over and be honest.
It helps to know the history of the plants you are selling and how they taste.

Make up free fliers to give away on saving seeds, how to plant the seeds and how to start indoors.

You could even get an email address for questions and answers.

Tell them about Tomatoville.

But don’t bore them to death with your ranting, read their body language and know when its time to hand over a cheap pamphlet so they can read it or have a poster displayed.
They can read a little about the myths about heirloom tomatoes and how they are missing out on a real great experience.

While your talking to them and their eyes stay on you or you’re plants you are ok.
If they start to drift off to other places then its time to change or move on.

Be nice, say howdy and shake hands but don’t be over bearing.
Keep hand sanitizer on hand and use it discreetly after each hand shake.

Dress in nice clothes and have your hair kept well groomed.
Have clean hands and keep your nails well manicured and clean.
Act like you have sold a million tomato plants and not your first one.

I would prefer the Texas cowboy farmer hippie type of persona my self.
Wear a nice hat not a ball cap ladies can get away with a ball cap but not men.
I prefer a straw flat brimmed type hat.

Try and act on what they present their selves to be by what kinds of cloths they wear and how they act.
If you cuss and use fowl language, leave it at home along with the cigarettes, or at least don’t smoke or chew in front of customers

You can tell a lot about folks from how they carry their selves and how they dress in public.
Are their clothes and shoes clean?
How do they talk, do they use proper English.

I don’t care where you live people still like to be treated with respect regardless of how they look.

When you refer to your operation always say we, not I, as it will make it sound more professional, not a little thing going on in the garage.

Don’t waste your time on the ones that got away.

Try to have signs that make folks come to you so you don’t have to sound like a carnie which would turn me off real quick.

Always have a smile on your face and try to make them feel comfortable around you.

Don’t act desperate.

Bring empty flats with you and set them to the side so it looks like you have sold a lot of tomatoes.

If you are at a stand or table bring a friend along so you won’t be stuck there.
You guys can swap out and take breaks it’s a long day to say the least.
You may not sell any thing all morning long and then sell half your crop in thirty minutes.

If you are political don’t bring along any signs of your favorite politician.
The last election was split almost 50/50 and it might cost you 50% of your customers.
Political and other signs in a place of business are a real turn off for me.
The only thing you need to have up is information about tomatoes or your products.

Even if you are allowed to drink alcohol don’t do it, their goes more customers.

If you drink bottled water, ‘drink it from a glass, ‘not the bottle, it shows a more sophisticated upbringing.
Don’t crunch ice.
Don’t chew gum and pop bubbles
Don’t spit.
When you are standing and talking to customers place your hands behind your back or to your sides when not pointing to a plant or something.

When answering a question give a strait and well thought out answer don’t ramble on like I do.

Don’t have rowdy or crybaby kids around they will run off business.

If they are well behaved and want to help then by all means have them along, it will be a reflection of your self and how you are.
If they read then have them sit and read a book or play with a doll or something.
NO toy trucks on the table.

Don’t eat in front of customers.
More reason for the friend coming along.
If you have to listen to music then use earphones or buds don’t play it out loud, your customer may not have the same taste and move along and not stop.

Remember that’s your money they have in their pockets.
Act like your having the time of your life.
This may sound like a lot of BS but if doesn’t hurt it will help and you will need all of the help you can get.
And above all don’t get discouraged.

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