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Old November 4, 2007   #9
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To expand just a bit --

All of a sudden I feel the need to defend myself. I bought supermarket garlic ... because I had to. My homegrown stash (Bogatyr, Music, the other usual suspects) ran out in four months. I agree homegrown garlic is superior, I was just sharing an observation about how much the China garlic grew in just a week. And it's up another inch since my earlier post.

Neoguy: Yep, definitely hardneck. I bought a pack of five, and two of them had the distinctive hard stem thing in the middle. The other three did not, and were two-layered.

Worth: I've 'heard' similar stories about food and other things produced in China (BESIDE the lead paint recalls lately which got a LOT of media coverage) but didn't mention anything here lest a political argument would start, which isn't my intention. I'm with you on your thoughts tho.

Identifying garlic is done mostly by consensus. Many are like trying to identify the difference between twins.
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