Thread: Well (pea)nuts!
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Old October 30, 2007   #10
Join Date: Feb 2006
Location: MO z6a near St. Louis
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Originally Posted by Fusion_power View Post
I'm reading this thread with a lot of pleasure. I grew the black peanuts for Sandhill. They are an old heirloom variety common here in the southeast. The flavor is really good but production varies Some years really good and other years mediocre.

Please be sure to save some for seed next year. Glenn sold all the peanuts I sent him for this season and my crop is very light this time around. The drought hurt them quite a bit.

Re roasting them in the oven, it is best to let the peanuts dry for at least 4 weeks before roasting. Stir them around several times while they roast to even up the cooking.

Cool! So there is a "local" connection with these peanuts. How do you remove them from the plant (from the peg) after the plant is removed from the ground? By hand? Machine? Do you do anything special to dry them?

The peanuts I roasted today definitely have not been drying for four weeks, so that is good to know. I have reserved a portion of the harvest for seed, with a note in the basket "Do not eat."

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