Thread: Mice
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Old April 25, 2024   #2
Tomatopalooza™ Moderator
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Hey Jerry! Long time, no chat. I hope all is well with you.
As for mice in the greenhouse... I don't have a good answer.
We had some getting in our crawl space and out pest guy gave two suggestions.
1. Remove any source of food. (In our case, there was no food such as stored veggies or seed) But the neighbors bird feeders seemed to be what the mice were bringing in.
2. Remove any items of shelter. In our case, I had row covers and burlap that the mice loved to nest in. Removing those eliminated the long term residents.

The pest guy put out some secure bait traps and that has controlled the population quite well.

Hopefully others will have some good suggestions.

Good luck!

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