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Old February 27, 2024   #1
Join Date: Feb 2014
Location: Beaverton, OR
Posts: 8
Default DIY Organic Fertilizer

Hi ya'll,

I'm looking for feedback. I read Steve Solomon's book, "The Intelligent Gardener" some time back. I found the concepts fascinating, but when it comes to building your own fertilizer (especially based on your garden's soil analysis) there were a lot of details and calculations to track. So... I started twiddling with building a webapp to do all the hard stuff. My first incarnation doesn't include a "customized fertilizer for your garden" feature (yet!) -- but it does allow entering various fertilizer ingredients and offers a collection of fertilizer recipes. It also doesn't have its own web address (and I think I need a better name - let me know!).

Can some kind souls take a peek at it and offer any suggestions they can think of?

Give me the good, the bad, even the ugly. I'd like some feedback before I get so far down the rabbit trail that it's hard to backtrack!

Thanks for any suggestions you can provide!

David Robinson

P.S. If you've got a favorite fertilizer recipe, add it in! Also note that ANYONE can currently edit/delete so please be kind.
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