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Old May 2, 2023   #30
Join Date: Jul 2013
Location: SE PA
Posts: 964

I bought some half price seed at the end of last season, cantaloupe and watermelon. Now I am pretty I will just give up trying for melons. It just seems like an ongoing ordeal that I never seem to win, trying to grow them in whatever odd spot to hide them from the cucumber beetles. Last year's just didn't finish well. They never handle the rain in the heavy soil. If I had more room and devoted rows, probably, maybe. I learned a bit last year, refresher course I guess, it made look closer at the sugar production, Calvin cycle, etc.

If I were to try melons here again...I'd probably want to add a lot of sand to a few rows and then crop rotate yearly with something else that wants the same looser soil. I just get too much splitting when they are coming ready in late August. Sweetness was not usually the problem here, just no room or devotion to growing them since they all come at once anyway.

Last edited by JRinPA; May 2, 2023 at 02:06 PM.
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