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Old March 28, 2023   #4
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Originally Posted by Dark Rumor View Post
I know from reading your posts you plant a group of tomatoes every month, do you start all from seed at the same time and then put some out each month? Or do you start seed every month and graft every month.

I have typically planted two groups, I start the first group of seeds on January 1st and put that group out as early as early March and the second group of seeds are planted on February 1st and they are put out in mid to late March. Gonna try another group or two for April and May.
I don't plant every month but I do try to set my tomatoes out staggered through mid summer. Last year I had to plant a lot in June and July and had a lot of late tomatoes. I am hoping the thrips carrying TSWV got thinned out by the cold this year and I won't have that problem so bad this year. I will have plenty of grafted plants early this year as my grafting success the last two weeks has been through the roof after a very rocky start. Right now I have over a hundred successfully grafted plants that are out of the healing chambers. I have even been trying to harden off a batch or two slowly because they are still small. I don't know what I am going to do with so many plants. I will give as many away as possible that I don't need. I plan to do my last grafting in May with a lot of black varieties for late summer when they usually surpass most of the pinks and reds in that miserable heat we usually have then.

My first eleven plants I set out are taking a beating right now as we are enduring our fourth day of very bad weather with lots of rain and wind. Hopefully they will recover and not catch any diseases due to the over saturated and damaged foliage. I should have some more ready to plant in a couple of weeks. I will be doing single stem lean and lower with all my plants this season.

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