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Old March 16, 2023   #4
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I have been growing a version of 1884 for a very long time and still grow it every season. It is one of the very rare plants that seems to be less susceptible to the multiple foliage diseases prevalent down here in southern Alabama. It is an indeterminate that has a slightly smaller growth habit, that will set fruit all summer and into the fall and the fruit are medium to large beefsteaks with very good flavor. I highly recommend you try it if you can.

Granny Cantrell is a very prolific producer of medium to large beefsteaks with a good old fashioned tomato taste. It is one of my top producers almost every year and always gets multiple spots in my garden each year. Very highly recommend you give it a try.

Earl's Faux is a recent and welcome addition to my grow every year list. It is frequently one of my favorites for its' wonderful rich flavor. I have only been growing it for four years and plan to set out several this year. Another that I highly recommend.

Howard's Winsall is another that gets several spots each year in my garden. It produces large beautiful tomatoes with good flavor and is a dependable producer almost every year. I have been growing it each year for a couple of decades. Another with my recommendation.

St. Lucie is one that I have grown only a few years but it doesn't produce the rich tomato flavor I prefer. It is a rather mild tasting tomato but it is a wonder to look at since the fruit are very large in diameter but rather flat for their size. You might want to grow one just for the absolute beauty of the very large tomatoes it produces. It might have a flavor that is just what you like since flavor is personal preference. I think you should try it and see for yourself because you shouldn't be disappointed in the fruit it produces.

The others I have not grown and know little to nothing about them but I would try anything with the Brandywine name just to see if it is anywhere nearly as good as the Brandywines that I grow every year which are Sudduth's, Cowlick's and OTV.

Good luck, Bill
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