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Old February 26, 2023   #6
Join Date: Mar 2020
Location: Syracuse, NY
Posts: 32

I've also had lots of seedling issues after potting up with the top of the soil drying out while the bottom stayed too wet. The leaves on many seedlings tend to curl up and die. Some varieties seem much more sensitive than others. I haven't found a source for Craig's recommended Metro-Mix 360 in my area or online, so the last couple years I've tried potting up with a 50/50 mix of seed starting mix and cactus, palm, and citrus soil (both Miracle Grow) for most plants and straight cactus, palm, and citrus on some. Plants seemed to do a bit better than with the straight potting soil I'd used previously (which worked fine in 2020 for some reason), but many were still not happy while indoors. All took off quite nicely once it got warm enough to get them outside during the day. I'm wondering if maybe our house is just too cold - ~65 day, 57 night. Thinking I might try some heat mats under the trays that hold the pots to see if that helps. Also can't rule out the LED grow lights, though I had good results back in 2020 with one of the same lights.

Last edited by ClarkB; February 26, 2023 at 04:16 PM.
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