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Old January 30, 2023   #6
Join Date: Feb 2006
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Posts: 1,842

no experience with jiffy pellets, i always use a soiless seed starter.
they say peppers like bottom heat to germinate. never used a heating mat.
the best, quickest germination i have had with peppers was in a house that
had cast iron radiators for heat in the bedrooms. i would start my seeds on top
of one that had a small wood top on it. might have been a cat pad. i put a towel
on top of that, and then the planted seeds. those seeds would be up, and growing
in less than a week. another way that works is placing the seed tray over a heat vent
if in floor heat with a couple books or bricks on each end so the heat can come out.
or place the seed tray next to a heat vent if the vent is in the wall near the floor.
what i am currently doing is starting seeds underneath our wood stove that we use
to heat during the winter. germination is a little slower due to temperature fluctuations,
but is generally still good. cover the seed tray with some plastic wrap or in a large
clear plastic bag to keep from drying out. keep the seed starter damp, but not soggy to minimize mold or damping off.
peppers transplant just fine. i space my plants about 18 inches apart planted
just a little deeper than the soil line. nothing exact.

don't abort. we'll adopt.
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