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Old January 26, 2023   #9
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Originally Posted by Greatgardens View Post
Excellent advice! I am also curious as to how inflation will affect the sales of garden products. I can imagine both positive and negative effects. My gut says that the negative will outweigh the positive.
Covid has changed patterns of behavior. In the food industry, many more people started cooking at home rather than going out for a meal. The grocery stores adjusted, getting some things right, and some things wrong. And, after close to 3 years, more people that want to eat out are doing so, and are back to cooking less at home. The results, here, have been huge swings in understocking and overstocking. With overstocking, I wait for the sales, as businesses need to constantly move product.

In the gardening industry, many new people started gardening because of Covid. It's unknown how many of them will continue. The stores will get things right, and sometimes get things wrong, as far as the amount and type of supplies go. While I expect inflation, and will not make predictions about shortages, I will buy early. And, in the fall, when the gardening season winds down, I will look for possible sales at that time.
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