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Old October 15, 2022   #6
Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: California Central Valley
Posts: 2,540

Nematodes and heat waves! Daily highs above 90F for nearly all of July to September, with about 9-10 days a month over 100F for June-September. I haven’t been rotating crops, and planted mostly nightshades in the current community garden plot for 3 years, so the nematodes were bad this year. The whole bed of dwarf tomatoes, almost all the determinates, and most of the OP indeterminates produced little or nothing.

Polaris was the best tasting, but I got only a few, mostly smaller ones. I haven’t pulled it yet, but the healthy Woodle Orange plant right next to it produced no tomatoes and had lots of root-knot nematodes.

Benevento F1 was great! I got a nice crop of large, tasty striped tomatoes.

Purple Boy F1 was the most productive of the very tasty varieties.

Picus F1 was a fairly productive paste, nice and dense.

Start F1 produced a lot of surprisingly sweet but tiny tomatoes.

Yana was a very productive red determinate! Lots of small red tomatoes that were edible but would not win any taste tests.
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