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Old September 13, 2022   #23
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Originally Posted by seaeagle View Post
Being in the same general area as you are I can also confirm that this was a bad year for some varieties of tomatoes. The ones tat breezed through and still producing are;

Arkansas Traveler
Carolina Dusk
Pale Perfect Purple
Monomakh's Hat

Some that produced tomatoes but are basically finished:

African Queen
Earl's Faux

And two that went down faster than Smokin Joe Frazier did in the first fight with Big George Foreman

George Dasitkas Italian Red
Bradley ( not sure it was the real Bradley )

So funny of your Quote: "And two that went down faster than Smokin Joe Frazier did in the first fight with Big George Foreman".

Once I removed the Morning Glory Protected of Shade from the sun; I lost all Amish Desters overnight and almost all of my Brandywines.
I tried to Put up Umbrellas to save the other with 100 degree Temperatures. My Cherokee Purple are doing well, but just for seeding; but unable to sell to customers for the first time. But one customer is just waiting. But Seed Saving is my Life for next year Inventory with only 3 plants surviving. Only 2 New Yorkers Heirloom Tomato Plants survived. My Diener Heirloom Tomato, Cindy West Virginia, Akers West Virginia, Hawaiian Pineapple did well, along with all Cherry Tomato Plant, and my La Roma Red long did great too.

But my Second Crop of Amish Desters are going to make it. They are growing Great as if they have a time clock built inside the plant. The is the first year I sold Winter Squashes and Plants all through the summer Months, with no tomatoes on display in my Famermarket. But they love to buy my new found Summer Heirloom Yellow Squashes, but they was also my Husband favorites too from his mother Texas Garden as a Kid.
May God Bless you and my Garden, Amen
MrsJustice as Farmer Joyce Beggs
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