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Old July 8, 2022   #62
D.J. Wolf
Join Date: Mar 2021
Location: Illinois
Posts: 199

Well, here we are in July already, and I'm starting to see some nice colors on some of the tomatoes. First picked, for the second year in a row, was a single Sun Sugar. I do see though that I have 4 Sun Gold that are almost ready as well, so only a few days behind. All the tomatoes are setting fruit good, Cherokee Purple is slower than everything else, but I think it will make up for that in the fall.

Just a couple notes on a couple tomatoes. Marzano Fire is growing great. The plants are absolutely loaded with nice sized tomatoes, and I'm looking forward to a great harvest and lots of sauce. Benevento plants are just COVERED in tomatoes and blossoms both, can't wait to try a ripe one! Thanks so much Fred!

Finally, my Giant Belgium plants. One of them seems to be in a rush to live up to the giant part of it's name, Has a tomato that is probably pushing a pound already, and no signs of slowing down.

My main concern at this point is all the rain we are suddenly getting. I'm afraid that with all this excess moisture, the flavor of the tomatoes may suffer some, and splitting may be worse than normal, but I guess we'll see.
Kevin (aka the DJ)
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