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Old April 2, 2022   #14
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Join Date: May 2006
Location: Danbury, CT
Posts: 471

I have been eating all the bomb tomatoes all winter here in CT, after my husband brought some home to try. I usually give up eating tomatoes in the winter and just wait for my home grown. So the fact that I've been eating them says something. We've been getting Flavor Bombs, Sugar Bombs and Honey Bombs from our local Stop & Shop and Whole Foods in small packages for $5.99 (which makes me laugh when I think of how many tomatoes I give away each year). Flavor and Sugar being the most often available in stores, and Honey Bombs less so. They are the best supermarket tomatoes I've had. After googling and finding no information, other than that same link to sunset, I assumed they must be hybrid. I even checked tomatoville earlier this year, but no threads at that time. Now you got me wondering if I should try to grow some. It's not too late for me to start seeds for this year. It's encouraging that Kurt's plants grew true.

@kurt what was your DTM?

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