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Old July 7, 2021   #13
Milan HP
Join Date: Dec 2017
Location: Ústí nad Labem in the north of the Czech Republic
Posts: 332

Hello, Paradajky,
I suppose you are talking about the plants with brown spots and no wilt. That's exactly my experience. Fruits are smaller, lower foliage dried and gone. But they grow new shoots that look healthy, but as the disease progresses the shoots get infected too. I don't use any sprays, so the only measure I take is getting rid of all visibly infected leaves a long time before they die. Actually, last year some of my infected indet plants bore fruit from April till the end of November - on my balcony where there was no late blight. And their taste was unchanged, maybe a bit less sweet due to not enough leaves. Unfortunately unlike ours, your climate works for Septoria. This year 3 of my dets grown indoors died (or almost died) after they gave me the very first batch of ripe tomatoes. Indets seem to be more tolerant. So I'd say your SSM (possibly also other indets) isn't a write-off yet. That is if they aren't affected by Fusarium as well.

Sls is not nearly as deadly as late blight and there are quite efficient sprays you can use.
Milan HP
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