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Old April 27, 2021   #2
jmsieglaff's Avatar
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Location: Southern WI
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Here's what I do, can't say it's right or wrong, but it seems to work.

Here in southern WI, I plant out tomatoes and peppers usually May 10-15. My dwarf tomatoes and peppers are in buckets, indeterminate tomatoes are in the slightly raised beds. I usually sow cucumbers a few days before I plant tomatoes. I start zucchini and vining summer squash in peat pots ahead of time and usually plant those out with tomatoes. Obviously I'm trying to avoid any frost, we usually get a couple cold nights, as low as upper 30s/low 40s in there....once I had to cover things like crazy for a late frost. I'm fairly aggressive on my plant outs as my raised beds and buckets offer warm soil, but if I'm in that May 10-15 window and no cold plunges are forecast I'll do it.

Things like honeydew, watermelon, or new to me this year--peanuts--I wait another 7-14 days as those things definitely do not like cold, even low 40s.

So depending on your risk tolerance, I think your cucumbers/squash/zukes can go out with your tomatoes--I would wait 1-2 weeks for melons/okra/peanuts or anything that really hates cold. Also, if you have a meat thermometer, stick it in the ground in the early morning and see what your soil temperatures are at about 4"--you'll want at least 65F I'd say.

Last edited by jmsieglaff; April 27, 2021 at 03:32 PM.
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