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Old February 24, 2021   #7
Join Date: Nov 2008
Location: Wisconsin
Posts: 2,591

I want to second the comments on conditions. Where I live we don't plant before June 1 due to often getting late frost before then. But at that point things are often fairly warm and plants take off. But 1 year we planted and then June turned cool and wet and by the end of the month the plants looked just about the same as they did when planted. Survived but didn't thrive.

Something that you can do to help is when you plant, put a large cage around the plant. Like a wire rebar cage people make. Anchor with a fence post or 2. Then wrap the cage with clear plastic around the sides but not the top. Add several bottles of water inside the cage around the plant. This will create a mini greenhouse for the plant and the water will give off some heat at nite. If the nite temps look like they could get low, you cover the top with plastic or a blanket to keep more heat inside but be sure to open it back up when the sun gets temps up above freezing. Works great.

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