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Old February 20, 2021   #8
Join Date: Jan 2006
Location: Central MN, USDA Zone 3
Posts: 301

I'm with Craig on the 15-16 year thing, and then success is like 2-5%,
I do a germination test, and "transplant" those that offer a radicle, allowing an extra 25 days. Generally by day 20, those that WILL germinate have, and those that will not are going to be rotting.

Then there's a problem: what to do witn too-old seedlings until the weather is right. If they get to true leaf stage, I grow them on in individual pots under grow lights in a very cool area. Until Mid April, I can keep a small area around 50 degrees by letting a little outside air leak into a cabinet with the lights. I have held growth back to about 2" in 3 weeks that way. They're badly root bound, but that is easily addressed.
a day without fresh homegrown tomatoes is like... ...sigh
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