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Old January 16, 2021   #25
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Location: Brownville, Ne
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It is strange that Early Blight happens late in the season for me and Late Blight is an early season disease. Early Blight occurs as the plant ages and is under more stress after fruiting is almost done and is a progressive pathogen usually starting at the bottom foliage and works its way up.

Thank goodness I have never had a problem with Late Blight which will destroy a tomato plant in a matter of days and is very contagious jumping from plant to plant quickly and easily.

It may be just me but the few times I have grown hybrids they seem to be the only plants susceptible to disease during the growing season, particularly with blights and wilts. Maybe as well as resistance bred in they also have susceptibility bred in as well. It seems that what many people say about OPs being less resistant and hybrids more resistant to pathogens, it works just the opposite for me. Maybe that is why very few hybrids find their way into my gardens.
there's two things money can't buy; true love and home grown tomatoes.
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